Northeast NJ Beekeepers Christmas Party- The Place to Bee!


The Northeast NJ Beekeepers Association will hold its annual Christmas Party Friday, Dec. 18, 7:30 p.m. at Ramapo College. This year there will be noshing on appetizers from Annabella’s Salumeria and a mead toast provided by our generous board. We will also have a tricky tray with the following baskets created and donated by our members: Bee Gardening Delight, Mead Tasting, Bee Feeder Galore, A bee silk tie, Everything Chocolate, A gorgeous porcelain bee bowl, Bath and Body Works Pampering, and All Things Honey. We also have received a BIG donation of a Nuc from Grant Stiles, our Nuc Go To Guy, which will be a separate raffle. Tickets for the tricky tray will be 5 for $10, 10 for $15. Chances for the Nuc will be $5 each. Drawings for all prizes will be towards the end of the evening. Members are reminded to bring a desert of their choice to share. Please email Jaimie Julia Winters with any questions at And we hope to see you there on the 18th!